The Squad!

Friday, September 11, 2009

HEaVy RoTatiOn......

Hello my Loves,

Im sooo lovin' this song! Solange killed it =) I LOVE when people express who they are and embrace there individuality! With so many people tryin to fit into the latest craze and the latest fashion this is really a breath of fresh air! Esp. with all this BULL that's on the radio now-a-days what happened to all the REAL MUSIC??? it's about being a JERK and dumb ass songs like "halle berrryyy" or the "do the kim kardashian" ummm excuse me that is NOT music it's cute lil catchy hooks... and if you think about it
SAME song+ diff. name+ diff. beat= OLD NEWs ..
im not sure about yall but i much prefer that music that just touches you and has a message behind it & makes you think! Guess im just that type of person..
Anywhoo ..Enjoy Yall =)
xoxo, Lauren


  1. I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I was a music major in school. Been saying that forever and people wanna get hurt over it. I vowed to expose my daughter to REAL music b4 she was even born.

  2. I don't even listen to the radio because of all that mess. I love unique artists with different tastes. Also, You have a wonderful blog and you tube channel. Keep up the good work.

  3. I guess individuality comes with difficulty, as it's a tad difficult swimming against the tide. I too love artists who try and at least deliver something different. It takes courage.

  4. Solange is soooo lovely...She does HER and doesn't care what ppl think or say about her. That's the best..


  5. I'm a huge fan of Solange...her style is GREAT... this blog *smile*...

  6. ok i hope you got her really good...well at least i think so...ttyl and take care

  7. I love the deepness of the song, but feels it could have worked without the potty mouth.
